So no one attempted to post their version for capturing saturated moving colors from a video feed.
I've had one working for some time now and based on the reactions I'm getting I think the approach I took is a relatively interesting one. Below You can watch a demo and view a descriptive diagram, as well as view the source code and and online version of the color selector.
Click for visual description and prerecorded video:
Click Here to test out a live version with your web cam...
Because we are working with a small group of developers on this project we've ported everything to processing (since that's what most everyone is using)... but here is the original actionscript code, its a tad messy but it gets the job done:
var bufferSize:int = 20;
var blurAmount:Number = 20;
var motionColor:uint = 0xFF222222;
var pixelNum:int = 800 * 600;
var cam:Camera = Camera.getCamera();
cam.addEventListener(ActivityEvent.ACTIVITY, onActivityStart);
function onActivityStart(evt:ActivityEvent):void {
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onLoop);
cam.removeEventListener(ActivityEvent.ACTIVITY, onActivityStart);
var video:Video = new Video(800, 600);
var canvas:BitmapData = new BitmapData(800,600,false, 0x000000);
//addChild(new Bitmap(canvas));
var feed:BitmapData = new BitmapData(800,600,false, 0x000000);
addChild(new Bitmap(feed));
var prev:BitmapData = new BitmapData(800,600,false, 0x000000);
var thresh:BitmapData = new BitmapData(800, 600, true, 0xFF000000);
//addChild(new Bitmap(thresh));
var cm = new ColorMatrixFilter([0.3086,0.6094,0.082,0,0,0.3086,0.6094,0.082,0,0,0.3086,0.6094,0.082,0,0,0,0,0,1,0]);
var threshSamples:Vector.<uint> = new Vector.<uint>();
var samples:Vector.<uint> = new Vector.<uint>();
var pixelSampleRate:int = 10;
var shape:Shape = Shape(addChild(new Shape()))
function onLoop(evt:Event):void {
canvas.draw(prev, null, null, BlendMode.DIFFERENCE);
canvas.applyFilter(canvas, canvas.rect, new Point(0,0), new BlurFilter(blurAmount, blurAmount, 1));
//canvas.applyFilter(canvas, canvas.rect, new Point(0,0), cm);
thresh.fillRect(thresh.rect, 0x000000);
thresh.threshold(canvas, canvas.rect, new Point(0,0), ">=", motionColor, 0xFFFF0000, 0xFF00FF00);
threshSamples = thresh.getVector(thresh.rect);
var cols:Array = []
var index:int = 0;
for (var i:int = 0; i<pixelNum; i+=pixelSampleRate){
if (threshSamples[i] == 0xFFFF0000){
var col = feed.getPixel(i % 800, int(i / 800));
var r = col>> 16 & 0xFF;
var g = col>> 8 & 0xFF;
var b = col & 0xFF;
var sl = toHSB(r, g, b);
if (sl[0]> 60 && sl[1]> 30 && sl[1] <60){
cols[index++] = col;
if (cols.length> 0){
-[int(cols.length * Math.random())]);
// this is from somewhere online, if I can find the link I'll post it
function toHSB(R, G, B):Array{
var H, S, L
var var_R = ( R / 255 ) //RGB from 0 to 255
var var_G = ( G / 255 )
var var_B = ( B / 255 )
var var_Min = Math.min( var_R, var_G, var_B ) //Min. value of RGB
var var_Max = Math.max( var_R, var_G, var_B ) //Max. value of RGB
var del_Max = var_Max - var_Min //Delta RGB value
L = ( var_Max + var_Min ) / 2
if ( del_Max == 0 ) //This is a gray, no chroma...
H = 0 //HSL results from 0 to 1
S = 0
else //Chromatic data...
if ( L <0.5 ) S = del_Max / ( var_Max + var_Min )
else S = del_Max / ( 2 - var_Max - var_Min )
var del_R = ( ( ( var_Max - var_R ) / 6 ) + ( del_Max / 2 ) ) / del_Max
var del_G = ( ( ( var_Max - var_G ) / 6 ) + ( del_Max / 2 ) ) / del_Max
var del_B = ( ( ( var_Max - var_B ) / 6 ) + ( del_Max / 2 ) ) / del_Max
if ( var_R == var_Max ) H = del_B - del_G
else if ( var_G == var_Max ) H = ( 1 / 3 ) + del_R - del_B
else if ( var_B == var_Max ) H = ( 2 / 3 ) + del_G - del_R
if ( H <0 ) ; H += 1
if ( H> 1 ) ; H -= 1
return [ int(S * 100), int(100 * L)]
why don’t you mark an area where that color comes from, so that we could understand what’s going on in this example.
oh wait, you have a picture in capture_colors_demo.html - should have been in a post
F*** great man. congrats!
@ramon thanks
@ makc3d your right… i was just too lazy to put the image into the post and resize etc….
Zevan ,you are too genius…
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