Category Archives: graphics algorithms

Updates Shorts and Rbn… etc…

I started making youtube shorts using a monaco-powered micro-editor I created called Check them out here:

I don’t think I ever mentioned here. It’s just another actionsnippet-like site I created a few years ago… I don’t update it all that frequently but it has many snippets mostly written in js.

recent fork of a that I used in a short…

Here’s a short showing something I did for genuary 2022…

Also posted in Graphics, color, es6, glsl, html5, javascript, misc | Leave a comment

Pathtracer Research

I spent awhile a few months ago learning about Pathtracers… After I good deal of research I ended up forking Evan Wallace’s Path Tracer and added a few new features and shapes - some of which I learned from Erich Loftis’s Three.js PathTracing Renderer.

view demo 1

view demo 2

Been wanting to get back to this and do optimizations and boolean shapes - but so far I haven’t gotten around to it.

Also posted in 3D, Graphics, glsl, javascript | Leave a comment

Zeta Pictograms

I have a set of ~100 pictograms that I use for personal notation. When I was actively working on Zeta. I created a few of these with equations:

You can read more about Zeta in this post.

I spam my facebook with images from my sketchbooks if you’re at all interested in seeing more pictograms:

Also posted in Graphics, html5, javascript | Tagged , | Leave a comment

QuickShader Micro-Lib

In 2015 I created QuickShader… which just takes the boilerplate out of showing a shader in the browser. Here are a few examples:

Also posted in Graphics, Math, color, glsl, html5, javascript, motion, pixel manipulation | Tagged , | Leave a comment