So… for years I’ve left this blog alone as an archive of all my actionscript stuff. I moved over to for a bit and then became so busy that I stopped blogging almost altogether. I still come back here probably once or twice a month to reference something… at least for me, this blog still has real value.
I’ve thought to myself so many times after spending hours solving something super confusing: “That would be a great post”. So… going to give it a shot - try and post things frequently here.
Snippets for now will mostly be in JavaScript and Objective-C/Swift since that’s what I’m using lately.
By Zevan | April 30, 2010
So there are 434 posts on this site to date. I hope to keep posting but it isn’t always easy to come up with new ideas. Another project I’ve been working on is a series of drawings and interactive animations over at my other website (shapevent). I’ve been creating entries for this part of shapevent pretty regularly - go have a look:
Also posted in projects | Tagged actionscript, as3, flash |
I’ll be doing a drawing performance using something I created called Gesture Capture tomorrow April 9th in Brooklyn at the former Engine Co. 212 firehouse. The performance will happen at random intervals between 6pm and 10pm. There will be two other performances going on by Julie Fotheringham, Vera Angelica and Zahava Rozman. Here is some additional information:
Gesture Capture Video and Information
Engine 212 Northside Town Hall Website
google map

By Zevan | March 20, 2010
We’re still working on this long term project for medialab prado in madrid. Here is a camera test from today. It uses frame differencing and places names of colors on the areas of motion.
Click here to view the swf file… make sure to move around a bit in front of your web-cam.