So… If you still want to see quizzes/snippets posted frequently here… post a comment… because I need to know that people still want quizzes and snippets in order to keep working on this blog.
If not enough people respond in the comments I will slowly migrate back to my shapevent blog :
I would like 20+ comments on this blog post in order to motiviate me to keep writing quizzes and posting snippets… otherwise I will only post when an idea comes to mind.
The idea behind this blog has always been 15-30 minutes a day on a snippet or quiz. I did this for a little over a year straight resulting in about 400 posts :
This blog will definitely not die… especially when cs5 is released, but I want to get feedback to get an idea of how many readers this blog actually has…. so please post a comment if you’d like me to keep up the 15-30 mins a day on quizzes and snippets.
[EDIT - wow thanks for all the kind remarks and constructive crits. I really needed to see that this blog was actually useful for more than just me. I'll post a new snippet first thing tomorrow!. Thanks very much to everyone who commented so far]
I really like the snippets, please keep doing them.
Thank’s Niall … thats 1… 19 to go
Please keep on it. I learn a lot from the snippets and quizzes
Thanks vmedium… 2 down 18 to go
Thanks for your work. Pls keep it.
Following daily. Thanks for all the posts.
I think the quizes are great, hope you get enough support to continue doing them
I follow via RSS. You’re on my blogroll. I really like the snippets. Thanks for all the posts!
Thank you for your work! I really like reading it.
Following, thogh not daily
I have your blog subscribed to my Google Reader. It’s definitely one of the best Actionscript blogs ever. Thank You.
Yeah snippets! Give me more!
absolutely need more snippets!!
Reading your blog is a daily routine, allthough sometimes far above my head. It keeps me looking in directions I would not discover myself. I am especially interested in QuickBox2d. kind regards, Wieb
Yeah.. Keep up the good work, Z..!
The quizzes are nice, but the snippets are great. And I definitely appreciate all the work, examples, and posts on QB2D. Either way you go, I’ll keep readin’…
Actionsnippet is my favorite, thanks for all your great work.
Keep actionsnippet online !
One of the most interesting place in discutions and experiments. snippets, QBox2D …
Yep, me wants quizzes!
I beg you from france to continue !
I Zevan, i think actionsnippet is one of the best inspirational resources for creative flash devevelopers, but i love shapevent too
So what if you continue making pretty things on “shapevent” and use actionsnippet for explain some dirty tricks later. for ex. Your post about voxels in shapevent and explanations in actionsnippet.
I think the most important thing is to continue getting fun. Go to shapevent and make the things you can show in Medialab. And later, if you whish, tell the others how to make the trick, and open your posts to comments for alternative solutions.
Good luck!
I’ll be watching you on shapevent or actionsnippet.
As your blog name implies it really is about the snippets. The snippets you’ve posted here are for me a very valuable treasure chest. I tend to come back and browse thru them when ever I got some spare time and want to try out something new. And to be honest if I had to remove every other RSS-feed I’ve got just to keep this one, I probably would. Keep it flowing Z!

ohh come on Zevan.
you’ll get more than that, i’m sure about it.
your blog is like a precious stone in my google reader
keep up the good work.
Actionsnippet is great! Please keep doing the snippets, I have learnt a lot from the website. It’s so good because it’s so focused on the code snippets and not a complicated tutorial that you can’t be bothered reading, us developers love snippets and I would be truly gutted to see this site fade away!!!
Actionsnippet is cool ! it’s funny and useful for me…keep it real
More QUIZZEs !!! Actionsnippet ROCK !
Your snippets are really good, please don’t stop!
Have you posted calling for comments to boost your ego?
Snippets yes, quizes uhm…sometimes.
Keep it up it’s very cool !
+ for snippet, - for quiz
Always enjoy your posts (snippets more than quizzes), please keep it up.
I’ve got a split personality btw, counts as 2 votes.
the snippets must not die!
It’s on my blogroll and I have gotten a lot of inspiration from it
the snippets must not die! the snippets must not die! the snippets must not die!
Keep it coming! good job mate
I’m still in. Although, I prefer the snippets to the quizzes. I’ve gotten a lot of ideas from reading the blog over the last several months.
Hey, Z!
I’m a brazilian reader and I really think the snippets should not die. I really enjoy your job here.
Love the site, and it would be a real shame if you stop posting here. I check it out quite often.
Keep up with the sniping snippety snipping!
Lots of love from Paris, France.
i _always_ read your snippets in google reader and there were some really inspirational posts on your blog!
don’t care too much for the quizzes, but the snippets are golden!
I am subscribed to your blog by means of google reader and every time your actionsnippet has a new entry, I click it first. I didn’t get none of the quizzes with full marks, but I have learned a lot from them and your snippets have a lot of valuable information, so please keep them coming. Where did you learn how to make that static class’ initialization?
Hi Zevan, looks like you’ve reached the goal, but wanted to let you know I follow all your posts as well, great work on coming up with all this content!
Hi Zevan, you blog is extremely useful! I follow you via google reader. I love your quickbox2d lib and would like to see more examples and features for it. Keep up the awesome work!!
Love your stuff! I’m always interested to see what your up to, and love learning from your quizes.
I’m a bit of a lurker, but I find your code snippets and quiz questions force me to stretch my application of actionscript quite a lot.
Here’s hoping you keep them coming.
One more! Good blog, I hope don’t die
great blog!
Its one of my favorites.
Keep it up and thx.
The quizzes are not my favorites so much, but I like the snippets a lot!.
Keep up the inspiring work!
(reading since november 09)
Don’t stop the rock! Down here in Argentina we alse read your snippets…
I love the site, mainly for the snippets. Quizzes are ok but snippets is what I stick around for.
Thanks for keeping it up!
Agreed. Action snippet is a gem I love waking to a new gem every day!
Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please continue…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Enjoying the blog much, gogo snippets
I really like the snippets, please keep doing them!!!
Sorry for my english..
Hello from Russia
Thank you very much for you book and this blog, this book translated on russian language
Not to stop to write this blog!
Good luck you!!!
don’t stop now, its just getting good.
Z! Keep it up! I love the learning from your snippets and quizzes. I check back here nearly every day.
Thank you for all the time you’ve put into it!
I enjoy the snippets more than the quiz, but both are interesting. I want to follow and devote a solid block (even if it’s small) to play with code regularly. You’re an inspiration! Keep it up!
I like the snippets. But I mostly come here for QB2D specific snippets.
I always like to look a these snippets for inspiration. I also like how the simple blog lends itself well to the posting of snippets.
Keep it up!
yes, please: we love action snippets…
keep em comming … love to learn more, love to see best practises and quick snippets
It’s so hard keep doing one thing everyday.
It’s amazing someone actually can make it.
Keep on posting~great place to learn.
I find the snippets super useful and interesting. More please!