People seemed to do pretty well on yesterday’s quiz. I have lots of questions written that fall into that same category of being somewhere between beginner and intermediate level. I decided to write a trickier quiz for today. Tomorrow I’ll alternate back to some easier questions. This quiz is really more about operators and hex numbers than ActionScript…
Number of Questions : 5
Difficulty : Medium
Topic : Operators and Hexadecimal
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Haha, 100%, guessed the last one though! Thought 110 was 6 written as binary.
ha… I would have mentioned if it were binary :)… or done parseInt(”110″, 2)
I hesitated on the question about integer multiplication because you would use >> or >>= to multiply by 1/2, 1/4, …
These are fun!
I agree, those are great. Keep ‘em coming!
these quizzes are a good idea! more quiz posts please.
You scored 5 out of 5. (100.00 %)
cool quizz
Thanks for feedback.. glad people are digging the quizzes. There’s another one in the pipeline for tomorrow
@Jackson … yeah I thought about that as well… thus the use of the term integer…
…figured it would be good to use the phrasing: “would you most likely use for integer multiplication”… was thinking specifically about the old (* 2) = (<< 1) … (*4) = (<< 2) etc…
You scored 4 out of 5. (80.00 %)
whats with me getting the last one wrong all the time.
Zevan Stop rigging the last question!
Very nice series, please continue posting questions like these.
In fact I was always annoyed by the fact that I can pass the quiz/test and not be able to solve the real problem… haha, here it comes:
Discrete the colour (given as 0xRRGGBB) so that each of the RGB values is “rounded up” to variable 1-16 bit(s) precision.
In one line preferably
Go figure!
“You scored 5 out of 5. (100.00 %)”
this one was a bit tougher
i actually had to get out a pen and paper for the 110 % 3
I knew nothing of questions 3 - 5 but stil managed to get 4/5/ These tests are very fun. Keep it up!!!
Number of Questions : 5
Difficulty : Medium
Topic : Operators and Hexadecimal
You have Completed AS Quiz AS Quiz # 2
You scored 5 out of 5. (100.00 %)
4/5 i missed the hex conversion for red. i still don’t understand that math.