Here is another quiz. Tomorrows quiz will be about design patterns…
Number of Questions : 5
Difficulty : Easy
Topic : General
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I don’t like question #1:
* myClip.x = (500 - myClip.x) * 1.5
Does nothing if myClip.x == 500
* myClip.x = (500 - myClip.y) / 10
Does nothing if myClip.y == 500
* myClip.x += (500 - myClip.x) / 4
Does nothing if myClip.x == 500
* myClip.y -= (500 + myClip.y) * 0.5
Does nothing if myClip.y == -500
It was fun other than that.
stating a starting point would probably have been a good idea… “something like, which one would ease a clip from 0 to 500…. maybe I’ll add that
revised the question slightly… i think its better now, thanks for the feedback
I did 5 out of 5 thanks to your book! Learning AS3
“You scored 5 out of 5. (100.00 %)”
these really help me revise as3
i actually tested the rotation one
I only failed on the rotation and XML questions, simply cos I’ve never used them in my work. Keep up the fun!
4/5 - missed the embedded textfield in movieclip question…idk what’s up i know that