var temp:Number;
var weatherData:XML;
var yweather:Namespace;
var zipcode:String="11211";
var units:String = "f"; // "f" or "c" for Fahrenheit or Celsius
var yahooURL:String = "" + zipcode + "&u=" + units;
var yahooWeather:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
yahooWeather.load(new URLRequest(yahooURL));
yahooWeather.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLoaded);
function onLoaded(evt:Event):void {
weatherData=new XML(;
yweather = weatherData.namespace("yweather");
temp =;
This snippet comes from a student question about how to get the temperature from yahoo weather.
You could use this snippet to get lots of additional information based on a zipcode... like latitude, longitude, humidity, wind chill etc... The trickiest part of this code is the Namespace stuff... which I find generally annoying... probably just because I'm not used to it.
You can read some detailed info about the content contained in the RSS file here.