I’ll be releasing the QuickBox2D on googlecode in the near future based on the response to yesterdays post.
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I hope it isn’t an April fool
Great!…… we’ll be waiting
hi Zevan
I recently added a new section to a site I’ve had for a very long time, http://www.fubbs.net , that uses box2d and your quickbox library. Find the picture of the egyptian sarcophagus, then pull the handle on the left. I hope you like it.
I do not know if the post is the right choice, but it’s been about an hour that I’m startin with with QuickBox2D, and found a couple of things that didn’t seem right to me (maybe I did not read enough comments where the issue was later resolved, or maybe there was a reason for that those codes to be there. If this is not the case, apologies in advance)
Here are some of the things that I found confusing:
1. createStageWalls(): the 2nd parameter is not fillAlpha but fillAllpha (I had to open the QuickBox2D.as to realize that)
2. It would be nice that the canvas size of the QuickBox2D instance could be defined, as with primitive objects. By default, the class assigns the size of the stage. This is something that can be easily resolved as follows :
(QuickBox2D.as - line 201/211)
var sw: Number = p.width / 30 | | main.stage.stageWidth / 30;
var sh: Number = p.height / 30 | | main.stage.stageHeight / 30;
This is not all too relevant, just something for you to bear in mind. You did a wonderful job, your framework is amazing. Thanks
(excuse my english)
I understand the tutorials and i’m able to reproduce them and modify them, but i don’t know how to unload the quickbox2d_world to load another “level”
How do i “flush” everything to show a level-select menu, then create another level? .. i tried with
sim.destroy(); but it only stops the simulation, the bodies-skins remain on stage.
How can i structure a basic game using quickbox2d like this:
Level Select –> LoadandPlayLevel –> (back to level-select)
(i know how to create 1 world or “1 level”, but i’m not able to create separate levels)
Could you make a tutorial for novices explaining how to structure
a basic game using quickbox2d?
@Rodrigo Thanks for the feedback … those are some good things for me to think about for the next release.
@Mauricio have a look at this post, it think it will be helpful: http://actionsnippet.com/?p=2359
@fubbs nice work
i got it, Thanks!!
Great! Thank you!
While waiting, one small question:
How to get QuickObject from b2Body? For example, I get b2Body when using GetBodyAtMouse(true) and want to delete it.
and another one: is there any way to drag a static body by mouse?
sorry, already found the workaround for first question by storing the QuickObjects in an array and then comparing to the b2Body
But then the new one appeared - cannot find any way to change width or height of the QuickObject or its body or shape. What is the best approach to do it?
actually i could use tonight! pls pls release as soon as possible, got one tiny request though… could you add a way to include png that i could just import and trace my polygons over??
Hello Zevan.
You class is really awesome.
I have a suggestion…
You current version, the touch doesn’t work on touchscreen devices, like android. Adobe will release soon the air for android. So, i think, this is very important.
To make the touch work you just need to chante _mouseY and _mouseX to main.mouseY and main.mouseX in the QuickBox2d.as file.
Valter - you are brilliant - thanks for sharing this tip
Touch now works on Androdid phones!
Cool valter. i will look into this….
I’m using a touch panel
Drag the object Is it possible in the touch panel