So I have a QuickBox2D editor that I’ve had since the earliest version of QuickBox2D. It is really pretty buggy and imperfect. I’m wondering if I should release it even though it’s really buggy… my main issue is I won’t be able to guarantee that it is a safe editor to use for real projects.
Thoughts? Should I release it anyway?
The editor could start by popping up a dialog explaining it’s in “beta” or something. Or you could just have a Google-style “beta tag”.
Yes, please!… i think it could help to novices to get on the road, or experts to improve it and re-release it
When you say “releasing” do you mean you are thinking about releasing the code and the editor or just the editor as an application?
You should release it and use a SVN host to allow to be helped by the community, I can help
I would be releasing the code and the editor… and SVN is a good idea. Curious to see what other think… it’s great that you’d be willing to help.
Also like the idea of adding a beta dialogue…
I’d love to see the editor and to help test/debug it. Excited to hear what you decide.
And we help you with debug it.
quote ‘If you are not embarrassed by the first version of your product, you’ve launched too late.’
Throw it in the community as see what life it’ll live: if nobody picks up on it, the editor is probably worth dying. If not, you’ll get the support, feedback & energy you’ll need to (co-)develop it further.
Looking forward to it already!
Yeah! Put it on the air. Do it like google does. Put a “beta” tag and wait to see what we will think. The idea of put it on a SVN server and open for everyone help you is a good point. Think about it.
Release ! Community power !
Yes Please! I was working on making one for myself, but it’s not going so well. As long as we know it is a beta you should only get positive feedback
+1 for the release.
I’m also willing to give some feedbacks and eventually try to help improve it.
what does it do exactly? is it a wysiwyg editor with primitives and all?
I think an important concern is the target audience : who should it be designed for ?