Today’s quiz jumps around from topic to topic, touching on filters, events, BitmapData and more…
Number of Questions : 6
Difficulty : Medium
Topic : Miscellaneous
Today’s quiz jumps around from topic to topic, touching on filters, events, BitmapData and more…
Number of Questions : 6
Difficulty : Medium
Topic : Miscellaneous
it was tricky indeed

i voted for int
still lovin them quizes! keep on the great work w00t! \o/
You scored 6 out of 6. (100.00 %)
that’s fun, keep them coming !
var ct:ColorTransform = new ColorTransform();
ct.color = 0xFF0000;
clip.trasform.colorTransform = ct
trasform is typo !?!
regards, Wieb
good catch weib! fixed
“You scored 6 out of 6. (100.00 %)”
really tricky this time
“You have Completed AS Quiz AS Quiz # 11
You scored 5 out of 6. (83.33 %)”
The question about “eventPhase property” was real tricky..