var velocityInfo:TextField = new TextField();
velocityInfo.x = 20;
velocityInfo.y = 20;
var prevX:Number = mouseX;
var prevY:Number = mouseY;
var velX:Number = 0;
var velY:Number = 0;
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onLoop);
function onLoop(evt:Event):void {
velX = mouseX - prevX;
velY = mouseY - prevY;
velocityInfo.text = velX + ", " + velY
prevX = mouseX;
prevY = mouseY;
Wrote this in response to a question from one of my students. The next step is to use velX and velY to push objects around the screen.
As someone else mentioned before, you really should post SWF examples along with these
I know the whole point is that you can paste the code into your FLA and see what it does, but sometimes I don’t have Flash open and don’t want to read the code and just see the end result, then if I’m interested in the end result I would read the code. Granted this is an easy example, but you know what I mean. Just help the lazy people out! Keep up the great work, though.
Yeah, I’ve been thinking about it… I may start doing that in the next couple weeks.
I made the site because I really like to read code… and because I found myself just reading the code on peoples blogs instead of reading what they wrote about it….
this will not calculate the mouse velocity . For velocity u need formula vel = dis/time which is vector.
Thanks for the comment Pra. I always thought of it as two vector values, one for the x and one for the y - the direction is either positive or negative on either axis and the speed is in pixels per frame… How would you use the dis/time in this example?
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