var size:Number = 400;
var pixelNum:Number = size * size;
var pixels:Vector.<uint> = new Vector.<uint>();
var r:uint;
var g:uint;
var b:uint;
var canvas:BitmapData = new BitmapData(size,size,false,0x000000);
addChild(new Bitmap(canvas));
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onLoop);
function onLoop(evt:Event):void {
// do any kind of pixel manipulation here:
for (var i:int = 0; i<pixelNum; i++) {
// draw a gradient that changes based on
// mouse position
r = i % size + mouseX;
b = i / size + mouseY;
g = (r + b) % mouseX;
pixels[i] = r <<16 | g <<8 | b;
canvas.setVector(canvas.rect, pixels);
Using BitmapData.lock() and BitmapData.unlock() can speed up BitmaData drawing operations significantly. Simply lock your BitmapData before you draw to it, and unlock it when your done.
I often forget to do this until I get to the optimize phase of a project... but I think I'd like to get in the habit of doing it all the time....
If I unlock a bitmapData no longer, what will happen.Is Flash Player will not render the bitmap with new data.?
Yes, Flash Player will not render the bitmap with new data.