var userInfo:XML = <users>
<user fname="joe" lname="smith" age="31" />
<user fname="mildred" lname="calder" age="64" />
<user fname="ben" lname="nathanson" age="20" />
<user fname="james" lname="biuford" age="19" />
<user fname="nick" lname="calhoun" age="45" />
trace("Users over 20:\n");
trace(userInfo.user.(@age> 20).toXMLString());
trace("\nUsers with the name nick:\n");
trace(userInfo.user.(@fname == "nick" ).toXMLString());
// use regular expressions with e4x
trace("\nUsers with name starting with j:\n");
Users over 20:
<user fname="joe" lname="smith" age="31"/>
<user fname="mildred" lname="calder" age="64"/>
<user fname="nick" lname="calhoun" age="45"/>
Users with the name nick:
<user fname="nick" lname="calhoun" age="45"/>
Users with name starting with j:
<user fname="joe" lname="smith" age="31"/>
<user fname="james" lname="biuford" age="19"/>
One of the nicest features of E4X is filtering. The above code shows a few simple examples ... the last example makes use of regular expressions -- I first read using regular expressions and E4X somewhere on
I usually prefer to use a database for any kind of info I'll be searching... but if you know you have a relatively small amount of data XML can be a fine way to go.
if you have a comma delineated string in XML, how can you search each item in the arrray using this method?
look for items with ted
comment box doesnt like code…
i.e. [xml] item value=”bob, george, ted” [/xml]