Today the first part of a 3 part QuickBox2D tutorial went live on
It’s an intro tutorial, so it just scratches the surface. Part 2 digs a bit deeper and part 3 covers complex stuff like joints and contacts…. (part 2 and 3 will be posted sometime in the near future).
does this tutorial work on mac?
that’s an odd question.. yes it does work on a mac
uhm.. ok..
that is because I tried it in home and it was ok.. but I tried today in my job’s computer (mac) and nothing works.. I even tried to download the source code and run… and I always got this message in any quickbox2d project:
1017: The definition of base class b2ContactListener was not found.
lixo: you might not have box2d installed on work comp
thanks Rishabh!
actually I was using a version that comes in a folder called “Box2D_v2.0.0″… somehow it is different and dont works
now it is ok!
Nice tutorial… But I will ask something may be stupid…
How can I get the QuickObject width and height?
depending on what your doing myQuickObject.userData.height will probably work
I want to get the width and height of an object from the scene. I want them in QuickBox2D measures (meters). Seems like myQuickObject.userData.height returns the heght in pixels.
I found how to get radius of a circle (maybe there is a simple way):
var circle:QuickObject = sim.addCircle({x:3, y:1, skin:circle});
var circleShape:b2CircleShape=circle.body.GetShapeList() as b2CircleShape;
var r=circleShape.GetRadius();
but I need something similar for a Box
when Lixolandia asked if it worked on Mac, it reminded me of a project I was working on for a client and it involved some AIR API that would work in Windows but it wouldn’t work in Mac. I searched around the internet and found that there are indeed some things that work on Windows for the flash world and not for Macs.
I’ve also encountered things that act differently from mac to PC. I just thought it was strange since I wrote the tutorial and QuickBox2D on a mac…
I know this isnt the right place to ask.. but since the post about the revolute ragdoll is a little old, I am going to ask it here:
please Zevan, explain a little bit more about ragdolls, when you have a lil time to spend…
please !!
Is it possible to turn off collisions, or have only certain shapes cause collisions? For example, all objects collide with static objects but not with active objects. Can this be done?
Or, I’m getting carried away here :), can friction between two objects occur. So, an object will ’slide’ over another object a certain amount, then carry it with it. Quick yank and it gets dragged off.
Excellent API, makes Box2D a dream to use.
all of that is possible… just look at things tagged with QuickBox2D and sift through the examples…. you’ll see examples of what you are looking for.