var box:Shape = Shape(addChild(new Shape()));
with ( beginFill(0x006666), drawRect(0,0,50,50);
box.x = box.y = 100;
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onLoop);
function onLoop(evt:Event):void {
var m:Matrix = box.transform.matrix;
// skew on the X
m.c = (mouseX - stage.stageWidth / 2 ) / stage.stageWidth;
// skew on the Y
// m.b = (mouseX - stage.stageWidth / 2 ) / stage.stageWidth
box.transform.matrix = m
This skews a box Shape using the c and b properties of the transformation matrix. Note that these values don't match those in the IDE's transform window. This is good further reading if your interested in this topic.