var canvas:BitmapData=new BitmapData(400,400,false,0xCCCCCC);
addChild(new Bitmap(canvas));
var a:Number=-1.21;
var r:Rectangle=new Rectangle(0,0,3,5);
var halfWidth:Number=canvas.width/2;
var halfHeight:Number=canvas.height/2;
function render():void{
for (var x:Number = -2; x<=2; x+=.05) {
for (var y:Number = -2; y<=2; y+=.05) {
// equation from :
//(x^2 - a^2) * (x - a)^2 + (y^2 - a^2) * (y^2 - a^2) = 0
// unpoptimized:
// var e:Number = (x*x - a*a) * (x-a)*(x-a) + (y*y-a*a) * (y*y-a*a);
// optimized:
var x_a:Number=x-a;
// factoring: x^2 - a^2 = (x + a) * (x - a)
var y2_a2:Number = (y + a) * (y - a);
var e:Number = (x + a) * x_a * x_a * x_a + y2_a2 * y2_a2;
// tolerance beetween .7 & -.1;
if (e<.7&&e>-.1) {
canvas.fillRect(r, 0x000000);
I've been looking for a single math equation to draw a tooth for sometime.... today I stumbled upon this... and realized it could probably be changed to look more like a tooth.
This snippet will draw this:
I'm using a graphing method here that allows me to use the Cartesian form of the equation and not the parameteric... I'll explain a bit more about this in a later post.
One Comment
its a good snippet