By Zevan | January 28, 2009
// swap some variables
// all techniques except the first are from
var a:Number = 1.1;
var b:Number= 2.2;
trace(a, b);
// best, fastest, easiest to read way
var t:Number= a;
a = b;
b = t;
trace(a, b);
// not recommended slower ways:
trace(a, b);
// xor versions will only work with ints and uints
trace("\nxor kills decimals:");
// easy to understand xor version
trace(a, b);
// one line xor version
trace(a, b);
/* outputs:
1.1 2.2
2.2 1.1
1.1 2.2
xor kills decimals:
2 1
1 2
The above swaps variables a and b in a few different ways. The first way (using a temp variable) is the best and fastest way... the rest of the ways are just interesting and fun.
I was coding and something reminded me that there are obscure variable swapping techniques out there... so I figured I'd google for a bit.... there are tons of examples of these online - with lots of good explanations.... I got the above from this link.
By Zevan | November 7, 2008
var yellow:uint = 0xFFFF00;
// draws yellow circle
with(graphics) beginFill(yellow), drawCircle(100,100,50);
// invert the color using XOR assignment
// yellow becomes 0x0000FF
yellow ^= 0xFFFFFF;
// draws blue circle
with(graphics) beginFill(yellow), drawCircle(200,100,50);
Just a fun use for XOR. You could also do it without XOR assignment:
with(graphics) beginFill(yellow ^ 0xFFFFFF), drawCircle(200,100,50);
Playing a little with bitwise operators is a good way to make sure you understand them. Try tweaking this trace statement:
trace((0x543210 ^ 0xFFFFFF).toString(16));
If you'd like to read about bitwise operators, I recommend wikipedia's article.
Also posted in one-liners | Tagged binary, bitwise, color |
By Zevan | November 6, 2008
// toggle a DisplayObject's visible property
var shape = new Shape();
shape.visible = !shape.visible;
trace(shape.visible); // outputs false
shape.visible = !shape.visible;
trace(shape.visible); // outputs true
shape.visible = !shape.visible;
trace(shape.visible); // outputs false
shape.visible = !shape.visible;
trace(shape.visible); // outputs true
This is pretty obvious to anyone with a full understanding of the ! operator. It's useful for things
like checkboxes and other types of toggle buttons. The first time I ever encountered this technique
was in processing source... in one of the demos on
Here's another quick example you can run in your timeline:
var circle:Shape = new Shape();
-, 0,10);
circle.x = 80;
circle.y = 105;
var btn:TextField = new TextField();
btn.text = "click this text to toggle red circle's visibility";
btn.x = btn.y = 100;
btn.selectable = false;
btn.border = true;
btn.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick);
function onClick(evt:MouseEvent):void{
circle.visible = !circle.visible;
Because "not false" is true.