var yellow:uint = 0xFFFF00;
// draws yellow circle
with(graphics) beginFill(yellow), drawCircle(100,100,50);
// invert the color using XOR assignment
// yellow becomes 0x0000FF
yellow ^= 0xFFFFFF;
// draws blue circle
with(graphics) beginFill(yellow), drawCircle(200,100,50);
Just a fun use for XOR. You could also do it without XOR assignment:
with(graphics) beginFill(yellow ^ 0xFFFFFF), drawCircle(200,100,50);
Playing a little with bitwise operators is a good way to make sure you understand them. Try tweaking this trace statement:
trace((0x543210 ^ 0xFFFFFF).toString(16));
If you'd like to read about bitwise operators, I recommend wikipedia's article.