By Zevan | August 19, 2018
Was just watching this funny video on Numberphile:
Here is the Surreal Numbers book on
Got a kick out of the story around this stuff… When Knuth shows the notation for surreal numbers I suddenly remembered a weird program I’d written awhile back.
I had been out drawing in my sketchbook one sunday (almost 2 years ago) [...]
Posted in Math, misc | Tagged algebra, Math, numbers |
By Zevan | August 18, 2018
In 2015 I created QuickShader… which just takes the boilerplate out of showing a shader in the browser. Here are a few examples:
Have a look on github:
By Zevan | August 18, 2018
Being able to draw smooth lines that connect arbitrary points is something that I find myself needing very frequently. This is a port of an old snippet that does just that. By averaging control points of a quadratic bezier curve we ensure that our resulting Bezier curves are always smooth.
See the Pen Bezier Skin by [...]
Posted in Graphics, Math, arrays, bezier, graphics algorithms, html5, javascript | Tagged bezier, canvas, Graphics, html5, javascript |
By Zevan | August 8, 2018
Awhile back I thought it would be interesting to add some quick fake lighting to a personal project of mine - that for lack of a better description is a windows management system.
Here is a screenshot of the windows management system with lighting turned on:
Here is a video of me using the system:
I whipped up [...]