Being able to draw smooth lines that connect arbitrary points is something that I find myself needing very frequently. This is a port of an old snippet that does just that. By averaging control points of a quadratic bezier curve we ensure that our resulting Bezier curves are always smooth.
The key can be seen here with the `bezierSkin` function. It draws either a closed or open curve.
Awhile back, I wrote some collision detection code that blitted existing interactive SVG to Canvas and then used the pixel data to figure out various aspects of the relationships between arbitrary SVG nodeTypes. A really simple trick I used can be seen in this pen:
The trick is to load the svg data into an image as a datauri. There are other tricks like this - one of which is using an svg `foreignObject` to blit html to canvas:
There were some browser issues at the time with this. The main one being IE 10/11 didn’t really work (tainted canvas if I recall correctly). The `foreignObject` trick didn’t work with image xlink:hrefs in safari at the time… (weirdly if you opened the dev tools it would start to work) anyway…
I ended up forking canvg for various cases. canvg is really cool… just a note, a coworker of mine went in at some point and optimized it like crazy and improved the perf a good deal by “drying things up”. Maybe I’ll suggest that he submit his optimizations at some point.
let rotX =0, rotY =0,
perspective =500,
currX, currY;// learned something like this at Andries Odendaal's function point3d(x, y, z){
let cosX = Math.cos(rotX),
cosY = Math.cos(rotY),
sinX = Math.sin(rotX),
sinY = Math.sin(rotY),
posX, posY, posZ;
posZ = z * cosX - x * sinX,
posX = z * sinX + x * cosX,
posY = y * cosY - posZ * sinY,
posZ = y * sinY + posZ * cosY;
depth =1/ (posZ / perspective +1);
currX = posX * depth;
currY = posY * depth;return[ currX, currY, depth ];}
Here’s is an example of it in action:
I’ve used this code many many times, it’s just easy to throw into any language and instantly get 3d points rendered in 2d. Here is a short video of a Java applet from 2003 called “Catch Env” that made use of it:
You’ll notice in that source, that I nested the equation to allow for local and global transformations. It was around that time that I learned the ins and outs of real 2D and 3D matrix transformation math… Ken Perlin’s classfiles from NYU were a real help when I was learning that stuff. I don’t think this was the exact file I was working with, but it was definitely on his site somewhere.
Before all that, during my junior year in college I created a 3d engine based off Odendaal’s code in Director (Lingo). Here is a video of some of the demos for it:
…and here is a strange screenshot from my personal website at the time:
Just an example of a powerful snippet and a gateway to learning matrix transformation math. When I first really dug in to html5 canvas - before WebGL was supported so widely - having this trick up my sleeve was great. As you can see in the below link, I used it more than a few times back then:
If you haven’t tried the html5 canvas tag yet, I suggest you give it a try. It falls under the same category as ActionScript’s Graphics and BitmapData classes. It is however much much simpler. One great thing about it is it runs really fast on IOS5. Have a look at some of these demos to see what I mean:
A few days ago I recorded this short video tutorial… it’s very simple, but it will get you started if you’ve never tried canvas before: