stage.frameRate = 30;
for (var i:int = 0; i<100; i++){
makeBoxSegment(200, 200 - i, i * 2);
function makeBoxSegment(xp:Number, yp:Number, col:uint):Sprite {
var isoBox:Sprite = Sprite(addChild(new Sprite()));
with (isoBox) scaleY = .5, y = yp, x = xp;
var box:Shape = Shape(isoBox.addChild(new Shape()));
box.rotation = 45;
with ( beginFill(col), drawRect(-50,-50,100,100);
isoBox.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onRotate);
return isoBox;
function onRotate(evt:Event):void {
evt.currentTarget.getChildAt(0).rotation = mouseX;
An isometric box that rotates with the mouseX.