Tag Archives: Box2D

QuickBox2D Custom Debug Draw

  1. import com.actionsnippet.qbox.*;
  2. import Box2D.Dynamics.*
  4. stage.frameRate = 60;
  6. var sim:QuickBox2D = new QuickBox2D(this, {debug:true});
  8. // get at the b2DebugDraw instance
  9. var debug:b2DebugDraw = sim.w.m_debugDraw;
  10. debug.m_drawScale = 30.0;
  11. debug.m_fillAlpha = 0.5;
  12. debug.m_alpha = 0.5;
  13. debug.m_lineThickness = 1.0;
  14. debug.m_drawFlags = 0xFF;
  16. sim.createStageWalls();  
  18. for (var i:int = 0; i<10; i++){
  19.   sim.addBox({x:3 + i, y:3 + i, width:2, height:0.5});
  20. }
  21. sim.addCircle({x:12, y:5, radius:2});
  23. sim.start();
  24. sim.mouseDrag();

Note: This snippet requires the QuickBox2D library

This snippet shows an easy way to get at the settings for Box2D's debug renderer.

Have a look at the swf...

Posted in Uncategorized | Also tagged , , , | 2 Comments

QuickBox2D 1.1 (2 major bug fixes)

Since the release of QuickBox2D 1.0 two bugs were discovered by numerous developers. The first bug was the inability to properly destroy group objects. The second bug was a small memory leak that caused most QuickObjects to remain in memory. Both of these bugs are now resolved.

Download QuickBox2D 1.1

Testing the memory leak. In QuickBox2D 1.0 if you created and destroyed 100s of rigid bodies, the ram would very slowly rise... Sometimes it would get garbage collected, but the memory would never fully be released. I created a simple test to make sure this is fixed in 1.1:

  1. import com.actionsnippet.qbox.*;
  3. var sim:QuickBox2D = new QuickBox2D(this, {debug:false});
  5. sim.createStageWalls();
  7. var levelParts:Array = [];
  8. const TWO_PI:Number = Math.PI * 2;
  10. // destroys and then creates a bunch of rigid bodies
  11. // called every second
  12. buildRandomLevel();
  13. setInterval(buildRandomLevel, 1000);
  15. var txt:TextField = TextField(addChild(new TextField()));
  16. txt.x = txt.y = 30;
  17. txt.backgroundColor = 0xFFFFFF;
  18. sim.start();
  20. // display amount of ram used, to make sure garbage collection is working
  21. sim.addEventListener(QuickBox2D.STEP, onStep);
  22. function onStep(evt:Event):void{
  23.     txt.text = (System.totalMemory / 100000).toFixed(2) + "mb";
  24. }
  26. function buildRandomLevel():void{
  27.     // destroy all rigid bodies
  28.     for (var i:int = 0; i<levelParts.length; i++){
  29.         levelParts[i].destroy();
  30.     }
  31.     levelParts = [];
  32.     // create a bunch of circles and boxes
  33.     for (i = 0; i<16; i++){
  34.         var rad:Number = 0.4 ;
  35.         levelParts.push(sim.addCircle({x:1 + i * rad * 4, y : 2, radius:rad - Math.random()*0.3}));
  37.         var rot:Number = Math.random() * TWO_PI;
  38.         levelParts.push(sim.addBox({x:4+Math.random() * i * 2, y:4+Math.random()*i,
  39.                     width:3, height:0.25, angle:rot, density:0}));
  40.     }
  41. }

This snippet creates and destroys a bunch of rigid bodies again and again.... On my macbook 2.6 Ghz intel core duo... the ram runs between 79mb and 112mb. I let it run for 40 minutes and this did not change - it always eventually returned down to 79mb.

Have a look at the swf...

Thanks to all the people who gave feedback that lead to the discover of these bugs.

Posted in Box2D, QuickBox2D, motion, pixel manipulation | Also tagged , , | 25 Comments

QuickBox2D Mini-Machine

Since this is a rather large snippet check out this demo first:

View Demo...

and here is the source:

  1. import com.actionsnippet.qbox.*
  2. import Box2D.Collision.Shapes.*;
  3. import Box2D.Common.Math.*;
  5. [SWF(width = 800, height = 600, backgroundColor = 0x000000, frameRate = 60)]
  7. var sim:QuickBox2D = new QuickBox2D(this, {debug:true});
  9. var sw:Number = stage.stageWidth / 30;
  10. var sh:Number = stage.stageHeight / 30;
  12. sim.addBox({x:sw / 2, y:sh, width:sw - 3, height:1,  density:.0})
  13. sim.addBox({x:sw / 2, y:0, width:sw - 3, height:1,  density:.0 })
  14. sim.addBox({x:0, y:sh / 2, width:1, height:sh ,  density:.0})  
  15. sim.addBox({x:sw, y:sh / 2, width:1, height:sh,  density:.0})  
  17. var slider:QuickObject = sim.addBox({x:3, y:6, width:6, height:0.25, density:0, angle:0.05});
  18. var pusher:QuickObject = sim.addBox({x:15, y:18, width:4, height:4, density:0});
  20. sim.setDefault({collideConnected:false, frequencyHz:10});
  21. var anchor:QuickObject = sim.addCircle({x:3, y:2, radius:0.2, density:0});
  23. var m0:QuickObject = sim.addBox({x:3, y:5, width:1, height:0.25, fixedRotation:true});
  25. var j0:QuickObject = sim.addJoint({type:"distance", a:anchor.body, b:m0.body});
  27. var m1:QuickObject = sim.addBox({x:2.5, y:9.5, width:0.25, height:6, fixedRotation:true});
  28. var m2:QuickObject = sim.addBox({x:3.5, y:9.5, width:0.25, height:6, fixedRotation:true});
  30. var j1:QuickObject = sim.addJoint({type:"distance", a:m0.body, b:m1.body});
  31. var j2:QuickObject = sim.addJoint({type:"distance", a:m0.body, b:m2.body});
  32. var j3:QuickObject = sim.addJoint({type:"distance", a:m2.body, b:m1.body});
  34. var boxes:Array = [];
  35. var boxNum:int = 21;
  36. var index:int = boxNum;
  37. var filter:b2FilterData;
  38. var lookupQuickObject:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
  39. for (var i:int = 0; i<boxNum; i++){
  40.     boxes[i] = sim.addBox({x:3, y:6.3 + i * 0.3, width:0.6, height:0.3,  friction:0.0, allowSleep:false});
  41.     lookupQuickObject[boxes[i].shape] = boxes[i];
  42. }
  44. var m3:QuickObject = sim.addBox({x:3, y:12.25 , width:1, height:0.25, allowSleep:false,fixedRotation:true, groupIndex:-1});
  46. var j4:QuickObject = sim.addJoint({type:"revolute", a:m1.body, b:m3.body});
  47. var j5:QuickObject = sim.addJoint({type:"revolute", a:m2.body, b:m3.body});
  49. var t:Number = Math.PI;
  50. var dropBox:int = 0;
  51. var prevBox:QuickObject;
  52. var resetVec:b2Vec2 = new b2Vec2(0,0);
  54. function setGroupIndex(b:QuickObject, index:int):void{
  55.     filter = b.shape.GetFilterData();
  56.     filter.groupIndex = index;
  57.     b.shape.SetFilterData(filter);
  58. }
  60. sim.start();
  61. sim.addEventListener(QuickBox2D.STEP, onStep);
  62. function onStep(evt:Event):void{
  63.     dropBox++;
  65.     if (dropBox % 80 == 0){
  66.         index--;
  67.         if (index> -1){
  68.             if (prevBox){
  69.                 setGroupIndex(prevBox, 1);
  70.             }
  71.             prevBox = boxes[index]
  72.             setGroupIndex(boxes[index], -1);
  73.             m3.y += 0.05;
  74.         }
  75.     }
  77.     if (index <0){
  78.         if (pusher.x> 3.5){
  79.             pusher.x -= 0.05;
  80.         }
  81.     }
  82.     for (var i:int = 0; i<boxNum; i++){
  83.         if (boxes[i].y> 22){
  84.             boxes[i].angle = 0;
  85.             boxes[i].y = -2;
  86.             boxes[i].x = 1;
  87.             boxes[i].body.SetLinearVelocity(resetVec);
  88.         }
  89.     }
  91.     if (index> 0){
  92.       anchor.x = 6 + 3 * Math.cos(t);
  93.       t += 0.01;
  94.     }
  95. }

Posted in Box2D, QuickBox2D | Also tagged , , , | 9 Comments

QuickBox2D Joint Skinning

Well... while on the topic of skinning I figured I'd post something I've been meaning to post for awhile. Currently, joint skinning leaves something to be desired in QuickBox2D. This is because I haven't had the need to skin many joints ... and also because with joints like pulley, prismatic, revolute etc... I'm not entirely sure what the best skinning solution even is... For instance, on a pulley you probably don't want three duplicate MovieClips used for the skin. Anyway, early on in my Box2D experimentation I needed distance joint skins so that feature has been around since maybe alpha 108...

It's pretty simple, Check out the demo and code below:

  1. import com.actionsnippet.qbox.*;
  3. [SWF(width = 800, height = 600, backgroundColor = 0xFFFFFF, frameRate=60)]
  5. var sim:QuickBox2D = new QuickBox2D(this, {debug:false});
  7. sim.createStageWalls({fillColor:0xFFFFFF});
  9. var circleA:QuickObject = sim.addCircle({x:3, y:3, radius:1, skin:CircleSkin});
  10. var circleB:QuickObject = sim.addCircle({x:6, y:6, radius:0.5, skin:CircleSkin});
  12. sim.addJoint({type:"distance", a:circleA.body, b:circleB.body, skin:JointSkin});
  14. sim.start();
  15. sim.mouseDrag();

Check out the swf here...

Download the fla here...

Posted in Box2D, QuickBox2D | Also tagged , , | 11 Comments