import com.actionsnippet.qbox.*;
import Box2D.Common.Math.*;
[SWF(width = 800, height = 600, backgroundColor = 0x000000, frameRate=60)]
var sim:QuickBox2D = new QuickBox2D(this, {debug:false, frim:true});
var boxA:QuickObject = sim.addBox({x:3, y:3, width:2, height:2, fillColor:0xFF0000});
var boxB:QuickObject = sim.addBox({x:3, y:6, width:2, height:2, fillColor:0xFF0000});
// when boxA touches boxB a circle QuickObject is created
var contacts:QuickContacts = sim.addContactListener();
// listen for contact points being added
contacts.addEventListener(QuickContacts.ADD, onAdd);
function onAdd(evt:Event):void{
// see if this contact event is associated with boxA and boxB
if(contacts.isCurrentContact(boxA, boxB)){
// get the location of the collision in world space
var loc:b2Vec2 = contacts.currentPoint.position;
// you cannot create new QuickObjects inside this listener function
// so we just give a 5 ms delay
setTimeout(sim.addCircle, 5, {x:loc.x, y:loc.y});
Note: This snippet requires QuickBox2D 1.0 or greater
I've created a few simple examples to show how to use QuickBox2D contact listeners. This is the first one. When two boxes collide circles are added to the simulation at the point of collision.