Monthly Archives: February 2009


  1. SELECT * FROM _users WHERE SOUNDEX(name) LIKE SOUNDEX('jon');

Not ActionScript, but the coolest thing I've seen in Mysql in awhile, the soundex function will convert a string into a soundex index... read more about it on wikipedia.

I did some tests and it matches things like:

what's your name? & whats yer name

very cool... since this isn't ActionScript, I will post another snippet right after this.

UPDATE: Actually started reading more about this stuff and dug up some algorithms... metaphone etc... fun stuff, maybe I'll port some of it to actionscript...

Posted in misc, string manipulation, strings | Leave a comment

Circles & cacheAsBitmap

  1. [SWF(width=600,height=400,backgroundColor=0x000000,frameRate=30)]
  2. var mcs:Vector.<MovieClip> = new Vector.<MovieClip>();
  3. var num:int = 2000;
  4. for (var i:int = 0; i<num; i++){
  5.     var s:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
  7.,0, Math.random()*30 + 3);
  8.     s.x = Math.random()*stage.stageWidth;
  9.     s.y = Math.random()*stage.stageHeight;
  10.        // comment out to kill your cpu
  11.     s.cacheAsBitmap = true;
  12.     addChild(s);
  13.     s.vx  = Math.random() * 2 - 1;
  14.     s.vy  = Math.random() * 2 - 1;
  15.     mcs.push(s);
  16. }
  17. addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onCenter);
  18. function onCenter(evt:Event):void{
  19.     for (var i:int = 0; i<num; i++){
  20.         mcs[i].x += mcs[i].vx;
  21.         mcs[i].y += mcs[i].vy;
  22.     }
  23. }

This was created in response to a question about the real speed gain of cacheAsBitmap. Just comment out the cacheAsBitmap line to see the difference.

Despite it's extreme simplicity, this is actually a rather fun file to play with, change some of the graphics class method calls around and see what happens.

Posted in DisplayObject, Graphics | Tagged , | 1 Comment

split() hacks & RegExp

  1. var path:String = "section/home.swf";
  3. var deepLinkValue:String = path.split("/")[1].split(".swf")[0];
  5. trace(deepLinkValue);
  6. /*outputs:
  7. home
  8. */

As a primarily self taught programmer there was a time when I didn't know what a regular expression was. There was also a time when ActionScript didn't have them (you had to use a library). Sometimes when I'm in a rush I still do weird things like the above instead of regular expressions... pretty nasty I know.

Here are two different regular expressions that do the same thing:

  1. var path = "section/home.swf"
  3. trace(path.match(/\w+(?=\.)/))
  4. /*outputs:
  5. home
  6. */
  8. trace(path.replace(/.+\/|\..+/g, ""))
  9. /* also outputs:
  10. home
  11. */

Actually, I'd be curious to see other regular expressions that only return one value (not an array) that achieve this same thing... feel free to post of a comment if you can think of one...

Posted in string manipulation, strings | Tagged , | Leave a comment

substr() Remove First Character

  1. var someString:String = "_file";
  2. trace(someString.substr(1));
  3. /*
  4. ouptuts:
  5. file
  6. */

Turns out the second argument of substr() is optional..... not sure how I never noticed that before.

Posted in string manipulation, strings | Tagged , | Leave a comment