By Zevan | December 31, 2009
var one:Array = [1,2,3];
var two:Array = [10, 20, 30];
var zipOneTwo:Array = zip(one, two);
// trace each tupple
for each (var tuple:Array in zipOneTwo){
/* outputs:
function zip(a:Array, b:Array):Array{
var longest:Array = (a.length>= b.length) ? a : b;
var zipped:Array = [];
for (var i:int = 0; i<longest.length; i++){
zipped.push([a[i], b[i]]);
return zipped;
This snippet shows a function called zip that takes two arrays and returns a two dimensional array of tuples. Just imagine that each array is one side of a zipper and you'll sort of get the idea...
I do wish flash would trace this:
[[1, 10], [2, 20], [3, 30]]
We shouldn't have to write a utility function to see the real array structure...
I've been messing with haskell for a few days now... just for fun I thought I'd write a few functions inspired by it... this is the first one...
Posted in arrays | Tagged actionscript, as3, flash |
var a:Array = [true, true, true, false, false, true, true, true, false];
var counter:int = 0;
var prev:Boolean;
var summary:Array = [];
for (var i:int = 1; i<a.length; i++){
prev = a[i - 1]
if (prev != a[i]){
if (prev){
summary.push("true: "+ counter);
summary.push("false: "+ counter);
counter = 0;
summary.push(a[i-1].toString()+": "+ (counter+1));
/** outputs:
true: 3,false: 2,true: 3,false: 1
This is a handy way to summarize the contents of an array of boolean values.
Also posted in misc | Tagged actionscript, as3, flash |
var w:Number = stage.stageWidth-1;
var h:Number = stage.stageHeight-1;
var tileSize:Number = 20;
var halfTileSize:Number = 20;
var hTiles:Number = w / tileSize;
var vTiles:Number = h / tileSize;
var world:Shape = Shape(addChild(new Shape()));
var map:Array=[];
var gridColor:uint = 0xCCCCCC;
grid(tileSize, gridColor);
vTiles -= 1;
var movers:Array = [];
for (var i:int = 0; i<100; i++){
movers.push(makeMover(i % hTiles, int( i / hTiles),0x000000))
movers.push(makeMover(i % hTiles, vTiles - int( i / hTiles),0xFF0000))
var moverNum:int = movers.length;
hTiles -= 1;
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onLoop);
function onLoop(evt:Event):void {
for (var i:int = 0; i<moverNum; i++){
function populateMap():void{
for (var i:int = 0; i<vTiles; i++){
map[i] = [];
for (var j:int = 0; j<hTiles; j++){
map[i][j] = 0;
function grid(size:Number=30, lineColor:uint=0xFFFF00, lineAlpha:Number=1):void {
lineStyle(0, lineColor, lineAlpha);
for (var i:Number = size; i<w; i+=size) {
moveTo(i, 0);
lineTo(i, w);
for (i = size; i<h; i+=size) {
moveTo(0, i);
lineTo(h, i);
function makeMover(x:Number, y:Number, col:uint):Function{
var xp:Number = x;
var yp:Number = y;
var prevX:Number = x;
var prevY:Number = y;
map[yp][xp] = 1;
var dx:Number = xp;
var dy:Number = yp;
var counter:int = 0;
return function():void{
if (counter> 20){
if (int(Math.random()*30) == 1){
xp += int(Math.random()*2) - 1 | 1;
xp = xp <0 ? 0 : xp;
xp = xp> hTiles ? hTiles : xp;
if (map[yp][xp] == 1){
xp = prevX;
map[prevY][prevX] = 0;
map[yp][xp] = 1;
counter = 0;
prevX = xp;
if (int(Math.random()*30) == 1){
yp += int(Math.random()*2) - 1 | 1;
yp = yp <0 ? 0 : yp;
yp = yp> vTiles ? vTiles : yp;
if (map[yp][xp] == 1){
yp = prevY;
map[prevY][prevX] = 0;
map[yp][xp] = 1;
counter = 0;
prevY = yp;
dx += (xp - dx) * 0.5;
dy += (yp - dy) * 0.5;
lineStyle(0, gridColor,1, true)
drawRect(dx * tileSize, dy * tileSize, tileSize, tileSize);
This (somewhat long) snippet moves boxes around on a grid - the boxes avoid one another by reading values in a 2D array. This technique can also be used for collision detection in tile-based games.
Have a look at the swf here...
Also posted in motion, random | Tagged actionscript, as3, flash |
var canvas:BitmapData=new BitmapData(400,400,false,0x000000);
addChild(new Bitmap(canvas));
var pix:Vector.<uint>=canvas.getVector(canvas.rect);
for (var i:int = 0; i<300; i++) {
var xp:int=50+i;
var yp:int=50+i/2;
// target x and y coords in 1D array
canvas.setVector(canvas.rect, pix);
This snippet shows how to target x and y coordinates in a 1D Array / Vector. This can be useful sometimes when working with setVector().
This is sort of like re-inventing setPixel().... and for that reason is kind of pointless - that said, it's interesting to know. I first learned about this technique from using processing.