Category Archives: 3D

Isometric Voxels

  1. // isometric conversion
  2. var centerX:Number=stage.stageWidth/2;
  3. var centerY:Number=stage.stageHeight/2;
  4. var theta:Number=Math.PI/4;// 45 degrees;
  5. var cosX:Number=Math.cos(theta);
  6. var sinX:Number=Math.sin(theta);
  7. var pnt:Point = new Point();
  8. function iso3D(x:Number, y:Number, z:Number):Point {
  9.     pnt.x = centerX + (x-z) *  cosX
  10.     pnt.y = centerY -  (x+z) * 0.5 * sinX - y;
  11.     return pnt;
  12. }
  13. // example:
  14. var canvas:BitmapData=new BitmapData(stage.stageWidth,stage.stageHeight,true,0xFF000000);
  15. addChild(new Bitmap(canvas,"auto",true));
  16. var size:int=100;
  17. var hs:int=size / 2;
  18. var pen:Point = new Point();
  19. var vect:Vector3D = new Vector3D();
  20. // draw a few shapes with offset:
  21. for (var dist:int = 10; dist <= 80; dist *= 2) {
  22.     // voxel space:
  23.     for (var i:int = 0; i<size; i++) {
  24.         for (var j:int = 0; j<size; j++) {
  25.             for (var k:int = 0; k<size; k++) {
  26.                 vect.x=j-hs;
  27.                 vect.y=i-hs;
  28.                 vect.z=k-hs;
  29.                 pen = iso3D(vect.x,vect.y,vect.z);
  30.                 if (Math.sqrt((vect.x * vect.x) + (vect.y * vect.y) + (vect.z * vect.z)) <dist) {
  31.                     // using Vector3D.distance() is very slow compared to above
  32.                     // a few types of coloring:
  33.                     var xp:Number = pen.x + (dist <<2) - 200;
  34.                     canvas.setPixel(xp, pen.y-100, (i <<16 | j <<8 | k) <<1);
  35.                     canvas.setPixel(xp, pen.y+100, (k <<16 | k <<8 | k+j)  );
  36.                 }
  37.             }
  38.         }
  39.     }
  40. }

The above will draw this:

You can read more about voxels here.

This isn't the speediest way to do voxels (especially if you want to animate). This was just the first thing that came to mind.

Also posted in BitmapData, color, pixel manipulation, setPixel | Tagged , , , | 3 Comments

Senocular’s Two Sided 3D Clip


In a recent kirupa thread, senocular posted an very useful snippet to aid in the creation of a two sided 3D MovieClip. The thread also contains an in depth description of polygon winding.

Description of Polygon Winding

I created a navigation demo using this technique.

Here is the source for the above demo

Justin Windle of soulwire has written a nice class called PaperSprite that uses this technique. The class is worth checking out - it's nicely designed... read more about it here.

Also posted in MovieClip | Tagged , , , | 4 Comments