By Zevan | February 24, 2009
var input:String = "a, b, c";
var words:Array = input.split(", ");
var max:String = "";
var maxD:String = (words.length - 1).toString();
for (var i:int = 0; i<words.length; i++){
max += maxD;
var maxInt:int = parseInt(max,words.length);
for(i = 0; i<=maxInt; i++){
var indices:String = i.toString(words.length);
var r:String = "";
var k:int=0;
for (var j:int = 0; j<indices.length; j++){
r += words[parseInt(indices.charAt(j))] +" ";
while(k <words.length) {
r = words[0] +" "+ r;
trace(i, " variations");
Like many things on this site, I coded this rather quickly and it can probably be cleaned up...
Setting the input variable of the above snippet to "a, b" will output:
a a
a b
b a
b b
4 variations
Setting the input to "a, b, c" will output:
a a a
a a b
a a c
a b a
a b b
a b c
a c a
a c b
a c c
b a a
b a b
b a c
b b a
b b b
b b c
b c a
b c b
b c c
c a a
c a b
c a c
c b a
c b b
c b c
c c a
c c b
c c c
27 variations
I created this to work with words... inputs like "bread, breath, blobs, backwards". Be careful because you can quickly get millions of outputs:
1 to the power of 1 is 1
2 to the power of 2 is 4
3 to the power of 3 is 27
4 to the power of 4 is 256
5 to the power of 5 is 3125
6 to the power of 6 is 46,656
7 to the power of 7 is 823,543
8 to the power of 8 is 16,777,216
Also posted in Math, misc | Tagged actionscript, flash |
By Zevan | February 15, 2009
Not ActionScript, but the coolest thing I've seen in Mysql in awhile, the soundex function will convert a string into a soundex index... read more about it on wikipedia.
I did some tests and it matches things like:
what's your name? & whats yer name
very cool... since this isn't ActionScript, I will post another snippet right after this.
UPDATE: Actually started reading more about this stuff and dug up some algorithms... metaphone etc... fun stuff, maybe I'll port some of it to actionscript...
Also posted in misc, strings |
By Zevan | February 13, 2009
var path:String = "section/home.swf";
var deepLinkValue:String = path.split("/")[1].split(".swf")[0];
As a primarily self taught programmer there was a time when I didn't know what a regular expression was. There was also a time when ActionScript didn't have them (you had to use a library). Sometimes when I'm in a rush I still do weird things like the above instead of regular expressions... pretty nasty I know.
Here are two different regular expressions that do the same thing:
var path = "section/home.swf"
trace(path.replace(/.+\/|\..+/g, ""))
/* also outputs:
Actually, I'd be curious to see other regular expressions that only return one value (not an array) that achieve this same thing... feel free to post of a comment if you can think of one...
Also posted in strings | Tagged actionscript, flash |
By Zevan | February 12, 2009
var someString:String = "_file";
Turns out the second argument of substr() is optional..... not sure how I never noticed that before.
Also posted in strings | Tagged actionscript, flash |