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XML Source

  <make reference="sim" class="QuickBox2D" args="this" />
  <call method="sim.createStageWalls" />
  <make reference="circParams" class="Object">
    <set x="3" y="3" radius="1"/>
  <call method="sim.addCircle" args="circParams" />
  <make reference="boxParams" class="Object">
    <set x="6" y="10" width="8" height="0.5" density="0" angle=".2" />
  <call method="sim.addBox" args="boxParams" />
  <make reference="boxParams" class="Object">
    <set x="5" y="3" width="1" height="1" />
  <call method="sim.addBox" args="boxParams" />
  <make reference="boxParams" class="Object">
    <set x="15" y="19" width="5" height="0.5" density="0" restitution="1" fillColor="0xFF0000"/>
  <call method="sim.addBox" args="boxParams" />
  <call method="sim.start" />
  <call method="sim.mouseDrag" />
  <make reference="txt" class="flash.text.TextField">
    <set x="50" y="50" autoSize="'left'" textColor="0" text="'Throw circle and box...'" />
    <set selectable="false" />
  <call method="addChild" args="txt" />